
Welcome to Henfield Medical Centre

We aim to provide all of our patients with a comprehensive services covering one-off problems to longer term illnesses. Feel free to explore the site and find out how you and your family can benefit from our personal and professional approach to healthcare provision.

Our Mission Statement

Henfield Medical Centre is dedicated to putting people first: both patients and staff alike.

We continually strive to meet the highest standards of care and service whilst offering the best of expert generalist personal care in the most effective manner.

Book a GP or on the day appointment

Rapid Health medical requests are available between 05:00 - 17:30 Mon-Fri.

Submit an administration request

Rapid Health admin requests are available between 08:00 - 18:30 Mon-Fri.

Examples of administration requests are: letter from a GP, requesting Nurse or HCA appointments (Blood tests, annual review, cervical smear, B12) and existing referral queries


Further information on Rapid Health

About Us

Henfield Medical Practice has 3 GP Partners, 4 Salaried GPs and 1 Practice Manager 

We are a training and dispensing practice operating at Henfield. The practice area is mainly rural and has a growing population due to local development. We operate from a well equipped, purpose built premises and offer a range of primary care services.

We employ a team of nurses, including an Advanced Nurse Practitioners and a Nurse Practitioner as well as Health Care Assistants offering phlebotomy and health clinics.

We also work closely with the Community Nurses, Health Visitors and Midwives.

The Clinical staff are supported by a team of ancillary staff.

The practice uses SystmOne Clinical Software and is an electronic paper-light surgery. 

The Practice consistently achieves high on the Quality and Outcomes Framework, and is committed to running Enhanced Services offered by Coastal West Sussex CCG and the full range of Locally Commissioned Services.

We have an active patient participation group who have helped build a good relationship between the surgery and patients. The PPG produce a six monthly newsletter and help patient education by arranging regular consultant talks. The PPG also help to raise funds for a local trust set up to assist with the purchase of equipment for the surgery.

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Infographic - Feb 25