Mental Health and Young Persons
What is Children & Young People’s Social Prescribing?
West Sussex Mind is working in partnership with GP surgeries across West Sussex, to offer support to children and young people. We are offering free mental health support to children and young people, aged 12 to 17, through our social prescribers based in Henfield, Steyning, Storrington or Billingshurst GP surgeries. We offer appointments face-to-face in your GP surgery, in other discreet community location (leisure centres etc), over the phone or online (Zoom, Teams etc)
We recognise that children and young people can face many issues and challenges and having these sessions can help offer you a range of resources and techniques to look after your wellbeing and mental health. We can help you find positive steps towards improved emotional, mental health and to look at what’s needed once our support comes to an end – if anything.
If you are worried about your emotional well-being, are looking for advice or would like to understand ways to cope, then do complete the referral form below or speak to your GP, who could refer you to the team.

What kind of support do we offer?
- 1-1 Support (6-8 sessions).
- A goal focussed approach, using support planning and breaking goals into small more manageable steps.
- Exploring positive mental heath and how to look after this.
- Aim to improve mental, emotional and general physical health.
- Signposting into other community services or more specialised services.
Questions to consider before making your referral
1. Are you completing this form for yourself or alongside your parent/carer?
You cannot fill in this form on behalf of someone else and without consent. If you are wanting to make a referral on behalf on someone else, please reach out to their GP and they’ll be able to assist you further.
2. Are you aged between 12-17 years old?
Yes – perfect, this service is young people between the ages of 12-17 year’s old.
3. Are you in a crisis or in need or urgent support?
Children & Young People’s Social Prescribing service does not able to offer crisis/urgent support.
If you are in need more immediate support please consider the following:
- Request an urgent appointment with your GP
- Attend your local A&E department or call 999 in an emergency
- Childline: 08001111 – a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about ANYTHING. Childline is available 24/7 and also have online services at
- Sussex Mental Health Line: 0300 500 0101 Available 24 hours day, seven days a week for individuals living in West Sussex.
- Shout: a free, confidential, anonymous TEXT service for anyone in the UK. It won’t appear on your phone bill. To start a conversation, text the word “SHOUT” to 85258
- Samaritans: call 116123 or email – Samaritans are available to talk to or email 24/7 and will offer you an opportunity to talk to someone, who’ll listen in a non-judgmental way or won’t tell you what to do.
- Hopeline: Hopeline is a suicide prevention line and open 9am-midnight, everyday of the year, by calling 080006841412. Hopeline advisors want to work with you to understand why there thoughts of suicide might be present. They offer a safe space to talk through anything happening in your life that could be impacting on your or anyone else’s ability to stay safe. This service is part of Papyrus and more details can on Papyrus can be found here: www,papyrus-uk-org
- Saneline: 0300 3047000: a helpline offering emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness. Open everyday of the year from 4:30pm-10:30pm
- NHS 111 is a non-emergency number, available 24/7 simply by calling 111. Call regarding any healthcare issues or to speak with a highly trained advisor.
Click here to download our referral form
If you’d like to find out more about the service, before completed this form, please email the service directly on:
More details on services available through West Sussex Mind, can be found here:

We know that it is difficult for you to come and see us so we are trying to improve the services provided
Henfield Medical Centre is here to help you with your mental health as well as your physical health. The two are often closely connected – if you’re physically unwell it can affect your mental health and vice versa.
In fact, research shows that 40% of GP appointments involve mental health.
You might want to speak to your GP or Practice Nurse if you’re
- Worrying more than usual
- Finding it hard to enjoy life
- Not sleeping or find that your mental state is affecting your physical health in any way
- Having thoughts and feelings that are difficult to cope with, and that are having an impact on your day-to-day life.
It is not easy having a conversation about your deepest feelings – but it is always okay to ask for help.
Explain how you have been feeling and don’t worry that your problems are too small or unimportant. Everyone deserves help and our clinicians are here to support you.
As GP appointments are often very short, think about what you want to say – or write it down to remind you, alternatively you can submit a Rapid Health request or take a friend or family member with you if you feel you need support.
Young Persons Information
Did you know?
- we are a young person’s friendly practice
- everything you tell us is confidential
- that you can come and see a Doctor or Nurse on your own, with a friend or relative
- you can make a telephone appointment with a doctor or nurse
If you have a mobile phone, please tell us your number as we may currently have your parent’s mobile on your record. This would be very helpful so we can remind you of appointments and keep you up to date with relevant information.